I’ve thought about writing a blog for a long time now but have always tried to find other ways or places to “express” how I feel. Until recently I didn’t think anyone really wanted to hear what I had to say. Here’s how I finally got kicked into doing my own blog. It all started last week when I happened to call into a local radio show and my call turned into an invitation to “get my ass” in there…in the studio! I couldn’t believe it!! It was one of those moments where as you’re wondering what the hell you’re doing saying “yes”, you continue throwing on clothes and finding some type of spackle to throw on your face so you don’t look like you barely had time to rub the crust off your cheek from the yummy sleep you just awoke from (when I take my kid to school I count on my extra-large sunglasses to hide my “oh crap you can really tell how old I am” face). The scenario as to why I called in the first place takes a bit long to go into but let me see if I can get to the gist somewhat quickly (or not).
This local Morning Show is looking for a new female co-host right now and the main dude on the show puts them on air for 2 hours while grilling them about their most deep-dark secrets and putting them on the spot until they prove they can handle him (without completely pissing him off) or he sends them away…with a horn…an air horn…from his boat. It’s loud, unnerving and scary…and well, kinda funny too. Funny now, but sooooo not then. Anyway, this particular show host is VERY well-known for his antics and so when you go you had better pull up your big girl thongs (okay, high waste briefs) and take what he’s dishin’ out. This guy is like the Chef Ramsay or Simon of the airwaves. I had started losing my ever-lovin’ mind with these girls and that horn because they wouldn’t just answer the questions! Do your homework ladies and don’t apply if you want to keep your skeletons in your closets…duh. Anyway, I have learned over the years to fight my OCD tendencies and “let go” of my tics that help me “remember” that I did something as I am a HUGE self-doubter and instead of turning the dial I called in (I forgot to mention that I tend to be much too spontaneous at times…or lazy…eh, spontaneously lazy?) just wanting to beg the Host to stop honking that stupid horn or for the girls not to give him a reason to blow that flippin’ thing! Well, I showed my crazy on air and apparently that’s what they liked that day. That call got me in which (I had a BLAST by the way) turned into a request to formally try out for the new female co-host spot the very next morning. Because I’m that special kind of stupid sometimes I agreed to audition. I actually wish I had the two-hour spot to “shoot the poop” with the three hosts like a few others but low, the format changed to a cattle call. We had a voice test (passed!) and then had to do a “dare”…that’s right, I stopped a fan, spinning on high, WITH MY TONGUE and got one minute to sell myself. Well, I do best with off-the-cuff banter and I’m pretty sure that I blew my minute or it blew by…either way I could have gone on forever but time was up and I left the social weirdness that is me for them to chew on instead of what I could bring to the table or mic in this case. Oh well. All of that leads to this Blog! I may not have made it to the top five that will do the final round of tests this week but I do know that I have a lot to say with a darn right funny spin on it because that’s how I live. By the way, I did make it further than hundreds of girls (top 13) just from my 20 minutes of local fame AND people still remember me. Go me!!
(If you would like to hear my bit from last Thursday just reply!)
I can’t promise that this will be my longest Blog as I have so many things, deep and shallow, that I will write about but I will try not to write so much that your eyes go dry. Next I plan on writing about why I chose ObsessingOverNothing for my Blog name, what in the world I’m protecting my parents from (my Mom will email me now), and why my twin and I are best friends that hate each other (right now it’s love).
I sincerely hope you enjoyed my introduction and I promise that future blogs will be more “interactive” but I would love your feedback and blog ideas! Here’s one that I plan to talk about soon…Can your bra make or break your outfit (yeah, duh)?
Remember, there’s nothing wrong with ordering pizza when your husband’s out of town if you throw away the box before he gets home!
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