Although I have no immediate idea of how my feelings in this post about Justin Bieber will lean until I'm in the midst of writing it (sympathy, disgust, etc), I'd like to quickly point out that I blame the majority of his issues on his parents. I wanted to make sure I threw that out first because I really don't want to spend the next few days worried that some outraged teen will show up to claim retribution by setting my house ablaze. Those "Beliebers" can be a bit coo-coo...bless their hearts! But I'm also not excusing his behavior either; I have heard so much buzz about his ridiculous actions lately that I felt the need to "discuss" it all at once and publicly. Well actually I really wanted to write his parents a nasty-gram shaming them for allowing their son to let his life spin so wildly out of control before it got this bad. Can you imagine someone like you or me sending some finger-wagging letter to Pattie and Jeremy (his parents of course) like it would all of a sudden make them open their eyes to what their non-parenting has done to their once sweet son? Here's how I'd like their reaction to be (and I know they're from Canada but for some reason I'm already thinking in a British accent. Don't judge, it's uncontrollable and...well, it's how I work):
<picture Pattie slowly walking up their driveway after checking the mail and reading my extremely eloquent, albeit harsh, letter>
"Jeremy come here you have to see this! Apparently we've been doing things all wrong for our son to become a contributing part of society. As well we've let the money Justin has made blind us toward his retched behavior for years and years. Let me finish reading...oh my she does use some colorful language! Oh dear, she also says it's too late to fix it now because he's legally an adult and that we should request that he comes home to Canada post-haste and that you and I issue a public apology for being stupid. Well, I wish this Barbara had written us years ago so we wouldn't have made these mistakes! She must be right because the letter is so well written. I think I'll start following her blog too!"
What? I'm just saying that I wish that's how the letter would be received. Also, I'm not sure why I didn't just email them in my little fantasy...huh, that is quite strange. Oh, and they don't live in the same house. Whatever. Anyway, although I am trying to be a bit humorous with that whole letter thing, in my "wish response diatribe" I was actually highlighting the real underlying parental issues that has allowed Justin to feel like he can do whatever his heart desires. He is clearly ignorant when it comes to laws, social grace, and even others feelings. For those of you living in a world without his music, posters, movies, etc (clearly you don't have anyone living in your house younger than 20) let me briefly go over his beginnings so you can be up to speed. This is in no way every little thing about him so no need to "scream" at me for leaving something inconsequential out. Justin was born in 1994, his mother was just 18 at the time and never married the father. At the age of twelve Bieber entered and won a singing talent show and his mother posted it on YouTube. After continuing to post his songs online he was eventually picked up by a record company. No one could or can deny his ability to sing...the boy has chops for sure. He can also play four different instruments that he taught himself. I'm not a huge fan of much bubble-gum music but over the years I've certainly caught myself singing along with quite a few of his hits. On top of his musical abilities, Justin was also blessed by the good-looks fairy which didn't hurt his already skyrocketing fame. Side note, he and Miley Cyrus could be twins - his delicate features bend towards a slightly feminine note. But still, he's a cute kid and I can see why all the girls practically drool when they see him. They do worse than that actually! His effect on the young female population is so insane that people have dubbed it as Bieber Fever. Really people? Whatever my feelings on girls crying or passing out over a celebrity (silly, that's what I think. Silly.) it's what happens when he comes anywhere near his fans. So, now you're up to speed on The Biebs.
Justin's home videos were very good and he looked to be just a regular kid other than his incredible musical talents. But he was so talented that fame hit him faster than anything you could imagine. Literally his very first song was a number one hit in Canada and the US! This is where his parents should have stepped in and at least tried to help him adjust to this whole new lifestyle. And let me just say that his mother travels almost everywhere with him which makes her lack of parenting even worse because she's right there with him! He was twelve years old and that makes him a kid that needs rules and structure no matter what else he's involved in. But sadly they just let him do whatever he wanted and now he acts like a kid that was never spanked, grounded, or hell, a time-out woulda been something! His teenage antics aren't like our kids because he can do it on a grand scale that can hurt others and himself. And just like we've seen with some other child stars, he's spun out of control and doesn't even care. And no, giving to charities does not erase his ridiculous, rebellious and dangerous activities (including drag racing, drinking and driving, drugs, destruction of his neighbors property...the list goes on). All his fans can do is hope that he sees the error of his ways before the drugs he's now doing kill him or someone else. I read something that I just had to shake my head in disbelief at the other day; someone who was defending Bieber about his drinking when drag racing said he barely blew anything on the breathalyzer so he shouldn't have been arrested. Ah, blind allegance...HE'S NINETEEN-YEARS-OLD FOOL - ANY NUMBER WAS ILLEGAL!! Jeez. Now, people are dealt bad hands all the time and they grow up and make the necessary changes - and this is where I start putting the blame back onto Justin and not just his parents. By the way, his mother being young and single does not an excuse equal. This is what I would love to say to the young Mr. Bieber:
Dear Mr. Bieber,
I'm so sorry that your parents weren't there for you in the way that you really needed them to be. It sucks that they loved the money you made for them so much that they didn't even think once about teaching you that for every action there is a reaction and sometimes it's going to be severe consequences when you make bad choices. I'm super sorry that you weren't yanked off your tour years ago when you had been drinking and threw-up in front of all your adoring fans. But son, I have to tell you that the following things are not acceptable and if you insist on acting this way you'll not be making any money off of this family with your posters, songs, etc. It is not okay to spit on your fans because you think it's funny. It is not okay to put others lives in danger because you can afford a fast car and people supply you with all the alcohol and drugs you want. It is not okay to pretend to be a good person and then go around vandalizing other peoples property. You may not have chosen to be a role-model but you are and I refuse to let you promote the idea that your behavior is one my daughter and her friends should emulate. Take responsibility and grow up. It's not too late to make the changes you need to to become a responsible adult but if you don't soon you will see that parents control the purse strings in their households and I can speak for myself and many of my friends when I say that our kids will not be given money just so they can fund your new-found and growing worse habits. I hear talk about the US thinking of having you deported and I fully support that decision now. Go be a nuisance to Canada and get off our streets...when you become a real man feel free to come back (if you want to since you did say that we are evil).
Mother of a daughter that used to think you were awesome.
ps. I wish you had been spanked once as a child.
pss. Thank you for not wearing skinny jeans anymore.
Well, I know that if kids read my blog they'd be looking to cause me bodily harm right now because it turns out that my post did lean towards feelings of disgust. Whoopsy!
I wonder if any pediatricians offer a vaccine for the Bieber Fever...
Right before I was about to post this I heard on the radio and then more on the news that Justin is at it again and could care less who he hurts! Bieber and his fathter were smoking pot on a plane going from Cananda to New York and after the pilots and flight crew asked repeatedly for them to please stop (father and son refused) they all finally gave up and and put on oxygen masks so they wouldn't feel the effects of the marijuana or have to breath in the smoky air. It wouldn't surprise me at all if JB assumed they could just roll down one of the windows for some fresh air.
**I do hope you caught the part about Justin's FATHER in my update. Not only was he guilty of allowing his son to do drugs, but that failure was joining in on the "fun"! Right now I'm mentally ripping up Bieber's work visa or whatever is allowing him to stay here.
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