Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Love Me Some Babies But...

I'm sorry but I can't understand why you would take a teeny-tiny baby to a nice restaurant and then get angry at the stares or the suggestive glances your way hoping that you'll do the right thing and leave.  Blushing and apologizing does NOT absolve you!  "Ohhhh, well they mouthed the 'I'm sooooo sorry' magic words so now I can't even hear the baby.  Let's dig in!" If we can rate movies then why can't we rate eateries? For instance, these might work:  "You must be too old to order off the children's menu to eat at this establishment" or "This fine establishment is too expensive for you to bring someone in that only eats chicken nuggets" and end it in "Thank you Management" (you know, to be polite when you call someone an idiot to need the sign in the first place). Of course it's usually those same people that assume you mean everyone BUT them.  <sigh> I feel the same way about movies…either way any recently eaten food feels like making an uninvited appearance when you bring an infant because YOU have deluded yourself into thinking your life didn't change when you decided to procreate. Hey, maybe you can grab a good seat at the local Men's Club with Junior in tow...how fun!  My recent personal experience went like this:  my husband and I went to see a HUGE blockbuster hit at the IMAX theater in Raleigh and paid quite the pretty penny to see it in 3D (we had to make reservations a week in advance) and as we are taking our seats we witnessed a mother and father bringing in their infant, less than six months old, to apparently enjoy his or her first movie ever. I feel blessed that I was able to share this day, nay, this rite of passage with the darling child.  Did the baby cry at the loud noises, strange lighting and extended length of run time?  Why yes, yes it did!  Surprised are you?  I was shocked!  I mean, what baby cries at any given time for no apparent reason?  Certainly you don’t know of any do you?  They must have been pinching that poor baby!  And where were the poor little pink thing's 3D glasses?  I'd cry too if I wasn't getting the full benefit of an IMAX experience! Really people?  Really? And the smell that wafted gently to my eager nostrils…I don’t even have the words…I must know where they got that Heavenly perfume with slight earthy undertones and a hint of strained carrots!  Sadly, I may never know. 


  1. But for the price of a child's ticket, they saved big bucks on a babysitter. If the cashier took pity, the baby might have been free. Maybe they should have infant-free theatres. ♥ mama mia

  2. Not to mention the fact that the loud movie with the weird lights and such can't be good for a 6mo old child...
    I personally like seeing the baby carrier on the table at the bar long after the baby should be at home in bed...especially a few years ago when smoking was still allowed in said bars...
    Yes, everyone deserves a night out, but take responsibility for the situation (i.e. being a parent) that you chose to put yourself in.

    1. Amen and amen! Making a choice to have a baby goes well beyond "awwwww...how cute!"

  3. I understand wanting to get out for a night but really you need to decide if you're willing to make that change when you're thinking of starting a family. Either be ready to pay for a baby sitter or introduce yourself to Redbox ($1 rentals for the newest selection!!). There are other options for a night out if you want to bring your child along and kid friendly dining is available too (Red Robin to just name one). <3 Barbara

  4. Was it Harry Potter? If it was, I would have smacked that baby. And I don't smack many babies. Like only ever 5 or 6, tops.

  5. LOL Tim! It wasn't the baby that needed smacking...it was the parents!! We didn't spend the money on Harry Potter at the IMax just in case that happened again. How sad is that?!

  6. I had that experience yesterday at "the Hunger Games" movie. The five month old cried or fretted constantly during the entire movie! We are polite southerners, so no one told them to take the baby out.

  7. Wow, that's so horrible that it happened to you too!! With ticket prices being so high you'd think that it would be just as annoying to the parents that brought the baby. It's not like one becomes immune to cooing and crying when they birth themselves an offspring! Grrrrrrrrrrr!! There should be rules at theaters "turn off your phones and your babies!"

  8. I think I would have gone to the management, asked for a refund and told them why. I was recently in a theatre when an elderly man, obviously hard of hearing, received a phone call. (Why wasn't his phone turned off?) He kept saying, "What? I can't hear you." Finally, about 30 people 'shushed' him at about the same time. At that time a younger man who was with him, took him out of the theatre. I think someone would have smacked him if he kept on. Sadly, too many people of all ages think of no one but themselves. BB

    1. BB, I think you and I are on the same page about too many people just thinking of themselves. Sad really...
